Christmas past

Posted on 17th December, 2020
School would finish and I would make my way home. Catch the bus and walk through the farmyard and banking until I got to our estate (this was a council one not a private one giggle).


The sky would be blue with the colours of dusk. I'd walk down our street. 
There would be a twinkle from our living room window. 
My stomach would bubble with excitement. The Christmas tree is up. Christmas is coming.


Christmas morning would be a full and busy affair. My sister and me would get up early, after me waking her and persuading her to get up.
We'd go downstairs when mum said we were allowed to and open our presents.
The presents would be separated one for my sister and one for me.
We'd open them and then get ready to talk about who got us what to the visits that would start after breakfast.
Our neighbour, my aunties, my grandma, mum and dad's friends would all visit. It was a busy day.


After we'd had lunch with Grandma, we'd pop next door to my aunties. If me and my sister were lucky we'd have a babycham and lemonade or a snowball as a Christmas treat. We loved our auntie. Her home was our second home. Happy Christmas auntie.
a lady sat in a chair, a child next to her, both smiling to the camera. both with glasses in hands. Christmas cards on hanging not the wall behind.

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